The USA 2020 presidential elections – A reflection
During the 2016 USA elections, the Left claimed, that President Trump came to power through Russian meddling; now that its 98% clear, that Joe Biden is the President elect, no such tone is heard, from anywhere.
Worldwide we can observe a relief and emotional participation in the USA elections; at least from what we are told by the main stream media. But reality leads us to the facts of the American direction and effects nationally and internationally.
The USA presidential election first of all affects all nationals of that country, and even there will be some changes on the international platform, the main and foundational stance of the USA is and will remain “America first”. President Trump was the person to voice out that slogan in his election campaigns and again say it after being elected; but we must yet not forget, that this is something all American presidents have in their agenda. The USA has to remain THE super power, the first in the world, the leader of all; and they show that, but ruling the seven seas with their marine.
If people think, the Democrats are best choice, maybe they are the better choice from a national perspective, and again that depends to who you talk to there, but internationally, weapon deals are signed with bastard states, where Human Rights are abused on daily basis, like Saudi Arabia. Obama has initiated more wars than Trump, and Trump didn’t start any war
(One source: ), and was one puzzle piece in bankrupting the state even further.
Who ever is a president in the USA is religious, puts a god first, prayers on state level and makes sure, the divine invention is right at their side.
I will now mention examples, that will elaborate the fact of an American presidency’s goals in the world.
As mentioned before, who ever is the president will still continue to do arms deals with the worse of countries we can observe. The USA claims to stand for Human Rights, yet we see many broken within the country and internationally. Hundreds of thousand people have died under the last three presidents only, and just because they claim to be the moral compass of what is right and wrong in the world. The stand for LGBT rights, yet cuddle with countries like Saudi Arabia, where Human Rights and LGBT rights are anything from existing. They spy on allies like Germany, and all we hear from Germany is a Merkel who says, that one should not do that to a friend. A sign of submission towards the big brother. In their own country, many states still have the death penalty.
The USA is a world power, but that is no longer the fact as a sole position. One we have Russia, and secondly, we have China, that has since 2000 roughly, developed into an economical super-power, that can no longer be ignored, also not by the USA. Investors are producing in China, and China is selling and investing all over the world. The USA has already passed its peak; and that is what happens to all world powers. One important reason for the decline of the financial and trustworthy part of that country was the war in Iraq, a war that was based on lies and therefor brought down the moral leadership of the USA too. Further countries are Afghanistan and even Vietnam before. Next to the wars came the 2008 bank crisis, that destroyed much of the American economy, specially investments, speculation and the need to save America by pumping unproductive money into the system. Millions of Americans lost their jobs, real estate and savings; one of the reasons why Donald Trump was so successful 2016, as he is a business man, who could reach the people on that level.
Now the new President elect Biden is standing in front of a pressure line. China is one, and needs a decision, hence either to find compromises on the world stage, or just to pretend as if China is still not that relevant. The problem with the USA is, that they are still trying to manifest their role as “only” world power, by sanctioning, isolating and cutting off China and Russia as already important world influencers. This puts pressure on Europe, as the USA wants Europe to follow and also sanction Russia and China, for their own benefit only. That the relationship between Russia and Europe, specially Germany is important, doesn’t matter for the USA. We have seen this with the pipeline coming from Russia to Europe. North stream 2 will only favor the USA when not completed, but not Germany i.e. Germany has many jobs and investors in that project ongoing. There are now roughly 160km left on the German side, and it looks like it will be completed. Yet America will maybe allow this to happen, but put pressure on Germany to follow in other projects and measures demanded by the USA. Biden will not be better than Trump on this “America first” trip. All sanctions have led to a loss of 3 billion Dollars for German companies. Not really an act of friendship, right? In regards to Iran, Germanys business with the country has shrunk to one fifth. That gap was filled up by China, laving the sanctions useless and in benefiting the countries the USA wants to see depressed.
President elect Biden has positioned China as de facto criminal and as economical rival. But now he is rowing back, due to his election. (One source: ) Russia is in his words the biggest enemy. So, no soft tones from a so friendly portrayed new President.
Even Europe and Germany should stay in good terms with the USA, it should also be in good terms with China and Russia, as it favors German and European economy. The best advise would be a center position, in which European countries will not lean towards one or the other world power, to stay balanced and maximize its own interests. That would be also the best guarantor for piece and stability in the region. We all know, that neither China, not Russia will start a war, as economical ties and dependencies have gone too far.
So having that said, we must not forget that the USA is a declining super power and China a rising super power, and Russia is holding its position for now. Europe has the potential to become a global super power too, if it won’t remain a “butler” of the USA and solve its internal problems and safety; if it stops the migration of brains from Europe and the immigration of people that are just sucking empty the social welfare system and disrespecting the national laws.
A big danger is, that regardless who is President in the USA, that America could now in its downward trend use military force to strengthen its position. There have been researches about mini nuclear wars etc.
Germany is too emotional in its political decisions and actions. This is due to the past and its development to the left, that has painted the world bright and flowery, making it blind towards realistic and rational strategies. Germany no longer plays any role internationally, as Germany has no foreign political actors. Germany is living off its substance, with no more “Made in Germany” and Nobel Prices like before. No, it even is going as far as destroying its economy through the left green policy, a former conservative party, the CDU, lead by Angela Merkel, completely. The car industry for example on its way to the execution room and many others following.
What lacks is the looking ahead, or the right looking ahead. Both, the USA and Europe, specially Germany is looking into a self-made or self-painted future, based on hopes, phantasies and unrealistic outcomes. Americas continuous try to export democracy to theistic states, Germanys push for a multicultural dream world and Europe’s aim towards a united Europe is as unrealistic as socialism or communism. Whilst the Left is trying to show a face of fighting imperialism and fascism, it is moving exactly into that direction.
Let’s pretend as if Putin’s Russia will collapse, or Iran would suddenly be democratic. This would lead to all the successful leftist do-gooders to make sure that rainbow flags will be flown there and celebrations will start within their own countries. That’s it? We have seen what happens if the West tries to modify or even force present rulers to step down in theistic and dictatorship states. Chaos is the only world – we just have to look at Afghanistan and Syria and Libya not to forget. Still no western values and still no rainbow flags. So, what would happen is an implosion, civil war, instability and more people trying to come to Europe as refugees. No sudden LGBT rights, no better women rights, and no turning a way from theism.
There is no way passed China. If we want it or not, with a Biden or a Trump, Europe needs to find its own way, as American interests are different from European interests. Will the position Europe’s or Germany change with a Biden or a Trump; no!
Let me point out one danger, that would and can come from the USA, if ever their junior partners won’t cooperate. SWIFT is a well-known and used transaction system between banks. It is yet American, and the USA could immediately stop all transactions nearly world-wide, by shutting down exactly that system SWIFT. This is the reason, why Russia and China have developed their own payment system, just in case such a thing would happen.
Lastly, it is known that the American NSA has software installed in computers, that could immediately shut down energy plants and deliver all information it needs to American hardware companies and the NSA. It was a mistake, that Siemens i.e. didn’t develop its own system, and so much relied on American hard – and software systems.
(One source: )
So, on one had we have a world-wide USA IT dictate, and in China a people dictate. What's better what's worse? Again, this is decided by emotions, rather than through rational steps. The connection as it is, may have been reasonable after World War II, yet we have new times and new conditions we are living in. It is time to stand more for own interests and not to hold on to mummy’s skirt.
The rise of the center right is one indication of peoples awakening; the rise of the left sadly an indication of blindness, and holding tight to dream worlds. Lastly, the American Right can hardly be compared to the European Right, as in America, religion plays a leading role there, and in Europe, Atheists can hold a Right-Wing position as strong as many hold a Left-Wing position.
By Thomas Fleckner
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